December 23, 2007


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to send a quick notice that there will be two screenings of “Lonely Man of Faith: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik” in Israel, this week, and one the following week.

On Thursday, December 27, at 7:15 PM, there will be a public screening in Efrat, hosted by Yeshivat Hamivtar – Torat Yosef.   The screening will be followed by an amazing panel, featuring Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi Moshe Lichtenstein, Rabbi Reuven Ziegler, Rabbi Menachem Schrader, and moderated by Rabbi Yitzchak Blau.  You can direct questions to Chana at 02-9933462 or

Saturday night, December 29, there will be a screening in Rechovot, at Berman's Synagogue (Tiferet Moshe).  For more information, write Chaya Tannor, at
Saturday night, January 5, will be a Ra’anana-wide screening, at Yad L’Banim.  The screening will be followed by a panel discussion, featuring Rabbi Shaul Farber, David Martin, and Stu Shapiro, and it will be moderated by Rabbi Reuven Ziegler.  Last time I checked, they were very close to selling out.  For more information, write

Please let your friends and family know about all of these screenings.

As you probably know, Lonely Man of Faith had its official Israel premiere, at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, on December 5th.  Thank God, it went very well, with a sold-out crowd.  After the screening, the audience was treated to a very special panel discussing the Rav’s relationship with Religious Zionism and the State of Israel.   The panel included Rabbi Danny Tropper, Rabbi Charles Weinberg, and Rabbi Yuval Cherlow.

The following week, Rabbi Aharon Rakeffet hosted a screening at the Joseph Gruss Institute, and there was a screening for the students at Yeshivat Har Etzion, in Alon Shevut.  The Har Etzion screening was followed, the next day, by a panel discussion, featuring Rav Ezra Bick, Rav Moshe Lichtenstein, Rav Reuven Aberman, Rav Elyakim Krumbein, and the panel was moderated by Rav Reuven Ziegler.

I also had my first TV interview, with the English-language IBA News.  The newscast appeared at the “coveted” slot of early motzei Shabbat (Saturday evening).

A number of you have asked me about the DVD, so I just wanted to clarify: The film is not yet out on DVD, and it will not be for some time.  Also, while shul/school screenings of the film have begun in Israel, they have not yet begun elsewhere in the world.  

Have a great week,
Ethan Isenberg


Ethan Isenberg
Second Look Productions