April 5, 2009
11th of Nisan, 5769
This is an email announcement regarding the documentary film, Lonely Man of Faith: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
Welcome to the over 130 people who have joined this list since the last mailing!
First off, I apologize that it has been so long since I last sent out an update. In the meantime, as I mentioned last time, my wife and I moved from New York to Los Angeles, and as you might imagine, I've been quite busy handling the many details on both ends. In addition, my outreach coordinator gave birth to a baby girl, so she hasn't been able to lend a hand.
Now, it's probably too late, but just in case, I wanted to mention a screening that was recently organized:
This afternoon, April 5 (11th of Nisan), at
4 PM, there will be a screening at
Boston University, in the
College of Arts & Sciences Building, at 685 - 725 Commonwealth Avenue. The screening is presented by
Jewish Learning Initiative,
B.U. Beit Midrash Society, and
The Vilna Shul. Doors open at 3:30.
Here are some other new screenings coming up:
More information will follow about all of these events.
Since Passover is coming up, this Weds night, I wanted to bring you attention to several publications by Rabbi Soloveitchik. As I mentioned last time, there is a new Haggadah out called
The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening, featuring a commentary based on the writings of Rabbi
Soloveitchik. It is edited by
R. Menachem Genack (who was an advisor on the film) and published by the
Orthodox Union. It should be available at your local Jewish bookstore, as
well as from
This is actually the third haggadah featuring Rabbi Soloveitchik's teachings. The first one to be published was called
Siach Ha-Grid and was compiled by
R. Yitzchok Lichtenstein, the Rav's grandson. The second came out last year, and was compiled by
R. Yosef Adler (who was featured in the film).
Gil Student wrote
an interesting review in which he compared the three editions on his Hirhurim Blog. In addition, R. Ari Kahn has made available
a fourth haggadah featuring the teachings of the Rav. This one is
available for free online, and is a work-in-progress.
As I mentioned last year, there is a terrific collection of essays by R. Soloveitchik that is now available, called Festival of Freedom. It should be available at your local Jewish bookstore (if it isn't sold out).
And you can hear the audio of one lecture on the mitzvah of
sippur yetziat Mitzrayim (obligation to retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt)
here (part one) and
here (part two).
Here's a rundown on the screenings that took place since the last update:
January 25 was the
Philadelphia Premiere at
Lower Merion Synagogue. There was a great turnout there, and I enjoyed getting to speak with a number of the congregants. The screening was preceded by a
special preview at the
University of Pennsylvania Hillel and organized by the local Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus. I was joined by
Rabbi Menachem Schrader, from
Nishmat. It was great to be back at my alma mater.
January 31st was the
Las Vegas Premiere at the
Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival. The screening was held at
Congregation Shaarei Tefilla.
Rabbi Yaakov Wasser spoke afterwards.
February 21, there was a screening at Synagogue Beit Eliezer in Rechovot, Israel. Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Goldschmidt spoke following the screening.
February 22, there was a screening at Young Israel of Bedford Bay, in Brooklyn, NY.
March 19, there was a screening at Stern College for Women, organized by the Stern Torah Activities Council. The fim was introduced by Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, who was featured in the film and served as an advisor.
March 23, there was be a screening at the Matnas Bet Foster in Herzeliah, Israel.
March 29, there was a screening at the
Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning in
Manhattan. Following the screening, there was a "lively and animated" discussion led by
Dr. Neil Gilman of the
Jewish Theological Seminary.
Once again, I'd appreciate it if you could forward this email to anyone else who might be interested in this information. And here's a link to
the Facebook group for the film.
If you have an interesting experience or story connected to the film, please don't hesitate to share them with me. You can simply reply to this email (don't worry, it will only go to me).
All the best,
Ethan Isenberg