This is an email announcement regarding the documentary film, Lonely Man of Faith: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
Welcome to all the people who have joined this list since the last mailing!
Just a few quick announcements about upcoming screenings:
This Tuesday, May 19 (26th night of Iyar) at 7:30 PM: CongregationEdmond J. Safra Synagogue, 11 E. 63rd St., Manhattan. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein of Kehillat Jeshurun will speak following the screening.
May 24 (2nd night of Sivan) at 7:30 PM: Queens Jewish Center, 66-05 108 St.,Forest Hills, NY. The screening is co-sponsored by Young Israel of Forest Hills. Following the screening, there will be a discussion featuring Rabbi Fabian Shonfeld, Rabbi Julius Berman, and Mrs. Hannah Lightman.
Note that the screening has been moved from this Sunday to next.
June 14 (22nd of Sivan): San Diego Premiere at Beth Jacob Congregation. More information to follow.
Once again, I'd appreciate it if you could forward this email to anyone else who might be interested in this information. And here's a link to the Facebook group for the film.
If you have an interesting experience or story connected to the film, please don't hesitate to share them with me. You can simply reply to this email (don't worry, it will only go to me).