September 26, 2009
Erev Yom Kippur, 5770
This is an email announcement regarding the documentary film, Lonely Man of Faith: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Welcome to the over 40 people who joined this list since the last mailing!
There are two new screenings which have been booked since I last wrote you:
Tuesday, October 6, Chol Ha-moed Sukkot (19th night of Tishrei) at 9 PM, the film will once again return to the Jerusalem Cinematheque.
Saturday night, October 31 (14th night of Cheshvan), at Young Israel of Merrick, NY, at 107 S. Hewlett Ave.  More information to follow.
I know many of you are eager to purchase the film on DVD and I continue to get regular requests both from individuals and organizations.  I want to let you know that I'm working on finding a distributor as well as the more technical details.  I hope to have an update for everyone fairly soon.  In the meantime, I appreciate your continuing patience.
A few weeks ago, a new review of the film was posted for Zeek Magazine at their online home at  It's a strange hybrid article mostly focusing on the relevance of the essay "The Lonely Man of Faith" for the subject of Biblical criticism.  But the section dealing with the film is quite positive.
Also, I wanted to let you know about a new book containing the writings of Rabbi Soloveitchik.  Titled Derashos un Kesavim ("Yiddish Derashos and Writings" in English), the book consists of lectures, speeches, and essays, written by the Rav in Yiddish between 1949 and 1958.   Note that they are produced in the original Yiddish, without translation.  You can find more information at, where there is a description of the book written by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, the editor.  You can also buy the book from, and possibly your local Judaica store. 
September 12 (24th night of Elul) there was a screening at Young Israel of Toco Hills, Atlanta.  Rabbi Adam Starr shared some of Rabbi Soloveitcik's thoughts on teshuvah (repentance) before Selichot services.  Eliana Leader, executive administrator reported the following: "It was a big success! We had roughly 60-70 people there, and everyone seemed incredibly moved by the film."
September 13 (25th night of Elul) was the very first Bay Area screening at Congregation Emek Berachah of Palo Alto, CA, co-sponsored with South Peninsula Hebrew Day School. 

If you have an interesting experience or story connected to the film, please don't hesitate to share them with me.  You can simply reply to this email (don't worry, it will only go to me). 

If anyone is interested in organizing a screening outside of Israel, please contact
For screenings within Israel, contact Hedva Goldschmidt, of Go2Films.
I wish you all a meaningful and transformative Yom Kippur.

G'mar Chatimah Tovah (May you be inscribed for good),
Ethan Isenberg