January 5, 2010
19th of Tevet, 5770
This is an email announcement regarding the documentary film, Lonely Man of Faith: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
A quick reminder:
This Saturday night, January 9th (24th night of Tevet) at 7 PM will be the Minneapolis Premiere! The screening is presented by the Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival and Congregation Darchei Noam Tickets are $6 and may be purchased through the box office - 952.381.3499 or by clicking here.  You can download a flier for the screening here.
I said previously that I would have some exciting news to share related to the DVD.  I'm currently working around the clock to finish the first edition, and I'll let you all know in advance of the release how you can buy it.
On December 26 (10th night of Tevet), there was a screening at Young Israel of Staten Island, NY.
Mordechai Shwartz, the organizer of the screening had the following to report:
went very well. About 155 people came over the 2 nights.
everyone who saw it found it to be informative and very moving. Excellent film.
If you have an interesting experience or story connected to the film, please don't hesitate to share them with me.  You can simply reply to this email (don't worry, it will only go to me). 

If anyone is interested in organizing a screening outside of Israel, please contact outreach@secondlookproductions.com.
For screenings within Israel, contact Hedva Goldschmidt, of Go2Films.

Have a great week,
Ethan Isenberg